Business Summary
GTR is the news source, publisher and event organiser for the global trade, commodity, export and supply chain finance industries, with offices in London, Hong Kong and Singapore. Through their market-leading magazine Global Trade Review (GTR), they provide essential news and analysis for corporates, bankers, lawyers, insurers and more working within these sectors. Held in over 25 locations around the world, their conferences, seminars, workshops and networking events offer unrivalled insight into these financial markets, with focused panel discussions, high-quality presentations and a host of well-regarded speakers. With an unparalleled base of contacts and a wealth of industry experience, GTR offers a one stop shop of information, events and services, acting as the ultimate resource for the global trade finance community. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
4 Hillgate Place, United Kingdom-Na
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