Business Summary
Morgans International Realty is a luxury real estate brokerage and property investment consultancy firm Established in Dubai at a tipping point of the industry to create an impact in a market which was just evolving empowered by a joint effort of the public and private sectors aiming to change the perception of the market and market players We chose to participate in setting a benchmark of higher levels of transparency professionalism and investor protection Believing that client satisfaction and retention are the key factors of sustainability and organic growth in a market nearing maturity we laid down the corner blocks of an organization that reflects the history of its founders We share this belief with each of our team members who aim to leave clients with a pleasant memory of their past standing by and guiding them in their present and planning for their future
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
Office No. 1707, Smart Heights, Barsha Heights
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