Business Summary
Aquaai protects marine & fresh waterways by providing data for risk management. Aquaai is both a software (data) and hardware (underwater robot / drone) B2B company. Our unique bio-inspired robotic technology is a specialized fishlike Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that collects visual and environmental data then delivers the data in real-time to an online dashboard offering customers an end-to-end solution we call FaaS fish-as-a-service. Our system is designed for the 21st century of climate issues, which is to reduce the expense that goes into collecting and tracking environmental data. Aquaai's offers the first affordable AUV, Nammu, that looks and swims like fish to unobtrusively collect data. The fishlike design uses energy efficient fin propulsion to immerse with the natural habitat and swim up close for superior data acquisition. Nammu operates semi-autonomously using GPS waypoints, computer vision and artificial intelligence for navigation. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
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