Business Summary
Fox Corporation is a news, sports and entertainment company. Its segments include Cable Network Programming, Television, Credible and the FOX Studio Lot. Cable Network Programming produces and licenses news and sports content distributed through traditional cable television systems, direct broadcast satellite operators and telecommunication companies (traditional MVPDs), virtual multi-channel video programming distributors (virtual MVPDs) and other digital platforms, in the United States. Television segment produces, acquires, markets and distributes programming through the FOX broadcast network, advertising supported video-on-demand service Tubi, 29 full power broadcast television stations, including 11 duopolies, and other digital platforms, in the United States. Credible is a United States consumer finance marketplace. The FOX Studio Lot provides television and film production services along with office space, studio operation services and includes all operations of the facility.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
1211 Avenue of the Americas
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