Business Summary
Goodman Group is a provider of essential infrastructure. The Company owns, develops and manages high-quality, sustainable logistics properties and data centers in major global cities that are critical to the digital economy. Its operating segments are Australia and New Zealand, Asia (Greater China (including the Hong Kong SAR) and Japan), Continental Europe (with assets located in Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands), the United Kingdom and the Americas (principally North America and including Brazil). The Company comprises the stapled entities Goodman Limited, Goodman Industrial Trust and Goodman Logistics (HK) Limited. Its property portfolio includes logistics and distribution centers, warehouses, light industrial, multi-story industrial, business parks and data centers. It takes a long-term view, investing significantly alongside its capital partners in its investment management platform and concentrating on the portfolio where it can create value for customers and investors.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
The Hayesbery,, 1-11 Hayes Road,
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