Business Summary
Farfetch Limited operates a global marketplace for the luxury fashion industry. The Company connects customers in over 190 countries and territories with items from more than 50 countries and over 1,400 of the world’s brands, boutiques, and department stores. Its Digital Platform segment activities include the Farfetch Marketplace, FPS, BrownsFashion.com, StadiumGoods.com, VioletGrey.com, Luxclusif, Farfetch Future Retail and any other online sales channel operated by the Company, including the respective Websites of the brands in the New Guards portfolio. Digital Platform segment also includes direct-to-consumer sales of owned product, referred to as first-party sales. Its Brand Platform segment consists of production and wholesale distribution of brands owned and licensed by New Guards and includes franchised store operations. Its In-Store segment covers the activities of stores it operates, including Browns, Stadium Goods, Violet Grey, and certain brands in the New Guards portfolio.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
211 Old Street, The Bower, 4Th Floor
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