Business Summary
Fisker Inc. has built a technology-enabled, capital-light automotive business model. It is focused on vehicle development, customer experience, and sales and service. It designs and develops electric vehicles (EV). Its Fisker Flexible Platform Agnostic Design (FF-PAD) is a proprietary process that allows the development and design of a vehicle to be adapted to any given EV platform in the specific segment size. The process focuses on selecting industry vehicle specifications and adapting the design to crucial hard points on an EV platform and outsourced manufacturing to reduce development cost and time to market. Its EV segment includes White space segment, Value segment and Conservative premium segment. It markets and sells its vehicles directly to customers using its proprietary digital platforms, including the My Fisker App and website. FF-PAD process is hardware-agnostic, which will enable it to collaborate with multiple suppliers for the development of new, advanced EV platforms.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Automobiles & Auto Parts
Company Address
1888 Rosecrans Avenue
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