Business Summary
ID Auto Inc. formerly known as PARTS iD, Inc. is a technology-driven, digital commerce company. The Company is focused on creating custom infrastructure and user experiences within niche markets. The Company offers an e-commerce platform for the automotive parts and accessories market. The Company's digital commerce platform has been in-house from inception as a solution for industries with data limitations and parts fitment complexities. The Company’s in-house data catalog houses approximately 14 billion data points for automobiles and the Company’s other seven verticals, including semi-truck, motorcycle, powersports, RV/camper, boating, recreation and tools. Its data catalog is designed to tie vehicles with parts that fit their specific Year-Make-Model (YMM), including the variations of sub-model, engine size, transmission type and drivetrain type, as well as to recommend other products, such as tools required to install purchased parts and accessories.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
1308 Race Street, Suite 200
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