Business Summary
Airfinity is a pioneer in predictive health analytics that decision makers can trust, understand and act on to preempt future health risks. Specialising in infectious diseases, Airfinity has a comprehensive suite of world-leading market intelligence solutions, turning disconnected data points into real time predictive indicators. The platform also covers advanced therapies (e.g. RNA, Gene and Cell Therapy) and cardio-metabolic. Disease-centric solutions combine proprietary surveillance tools and forecast models with expert analysis to produce actionable insights on pipeline developments, standard of care, regulatory trends and demand and supply. Airfinity is a global company with headquarters in London and Boston, relied upon across the full ecosystem in life sciences, including pharma companies, government agencies, corporates, investors, NGOs, and international organisations. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
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