Business Summary
ENBD REIT CEIC Plc is a United Arab Emirates-based Shari'a compliant real estate investment trust. It is a closed-ended investment company that invests in a diversified portfolio of Shari'a compliant real estate, with a primary focus in the United Arab Emirates. The Company's portfolio is comprised of more than six commercial and residential properties located in Dubai. Its properties include: Al Thuraya Tower 1, a commercial tower located in Dubai Media City with views over Barsha Heights and Palm Jumeriah; Burj Daman, an office building; Arabian Oryx House, a residential tower with more than 127 units in the free zone Barsha Heights, Dubai; Binghatti Terraces, a residential tower with more than 200 residential and more than four retail units in Dubai Silicon Oasis; DHCC 49, a commercial complex located in Dubai Healthcare City free zone in Dubai; DHCC 25, a commercial tower located in the Dubai Healthcare City free zone, and Remraam Residential, comprised of residential towers.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
8th floor, East Wing, The Gate Building, Dubai International Financial Centre,, PO Box 506578
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