Business Summary
ITC Secure Networking Ltd is a United Kingdom-based company, which designs and integrates cloud-based and on premise information technology (IT) network infrastructures. The Company is a cloud-based managed security service provider (MSSP) delivering service in cyber security analytics and cloud technology. The Company offers services, such as ITC Consult, ITC Network, ITC Security and ITC NetSure360 degree. ITC Consult includes information security and risk management; chief information security officer (CISO) as a service; design services; engineering services, and deployment services. ITC Network includes local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN) and virtual network provision; network and application optimization; data center and hosting services, and mobility. ITC Security includes cyber threat management, mobile device management and firewall and intrusion prevention. ITC NetSure360 degree includes security management, network management and performance management.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
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