Business Summary
FiberOptic Resale Corporation manufactures, distributes and provides full service for all your fiber optic test equipment product requirements. FiberOptic Resale Corphas been the top USA Channel distributor for INNO Instrument fusion splicers since 2012. They are authorized USA Channel partners for Fitel/OFS, EXFO, Yokogawa America, and (ODM) Optical Design Manufacturing test equipment. Their fiber optic consumables and tools include products from Polywater and Jonard, as well as electrodes, cleaver blades, splice protection sleeves and more, all offered on their web site and available for purchase online. FORC offers refurbished fiber optic equipment that's USA channel sourced only. They pride ourselves with supplying the highest quality refurbished equipment to meet any budget. All equipment comes fully tested and calibrated to comply with industry standards and includes their standard warranty. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
21 Technology Way, Suite 4E5
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