Business Summary
Sensor Networks Incorporated (SNI) was founded by two former GE Oil & Gas employees Bruce Pellegrino and Dr. James Barshinger. A need was foreseen in the Oil & Gas and Power Generation industries for an improved solution that could very accurately measure and monitor metal loss, in multiple locations, due to corrosion and erosion for critical energy-segment or PSM-regulated assets. The main focus at Sensor Networks is to develop permanently-installed ultrasonic sensor systems that can monitor asset-integrity in critical energy-sector components. The sensors are connected via an industry standard, fully-digital hardware and software network (Modbus protocol over RS-485), which controls and monitors the signals given off from high-frequency (5 MHz) ultrasonic sensors. These systems can reliably and reproducibly calculate the remaining wall thickness and metal-loss rate with high precision. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
171 Technology Dr Ste 500
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