Business Summary
SOCIALEYEZ is a digital engagement agency, our core purpose is to empower organizations to build more meaningful relationships with their target audience. By combining an understanding of client objectives with our understanding of user behavior, SOCIALEYEZ implements digital engagement strategies that increase the level and quality of engagement. Our clients vary across sectors including banking, automotive, FMCGs, retail, hospitality and government. Examples of our clients include Canon, Henkel, Philips, Dubai Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), Etisalat, HSBC, Dubai Parks & Resorts, Tim Hortons, Mazda, and Turkish Airlines. SOCIALEYEZ launched in 2010 as a social media insights agency and since has evolved its offerings to become a digital engagement agency. We employ over 120 team members across three countries, Dubai being our HQ with branches in Cairo & Casablanca. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
419, Le Solarium Tower, Dubai Silicon Oasis
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