Business Summary
Ather Energy Private Limited is an India-based electric scooter manufacturer company. The Company's products offering consists of Ather Rizta, Ather 450 Apex, Ather 450X, and Ather 450S. The Rizta lineup includes two models: Rizta S and Rizta Z, both featuring a 2.9 kWh battery, and the Rizta Z model equipped with a 3.7 kWh battery. Introduction of SkidControl traction control system, powered by the inhouse developed Ather Driver Controller (ADC), to regulate motor torque and prevent loss of traction on low friction surfaces. It also offers Ather Halo, a smart helmet, featuring auto WearDetect technology, wireless charging, and Ather ChitChat for helmet-to-helmet communication. The Ather 450 Apex offers a range of 157 km. The Ather 450X comes with two power variants: 3.7 kWh battery and 2.9 kWh battery. The Company has also established an electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the country called Ather Grid.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
3rd Floor Tower D, IBC Knowledge Park, Bannerghatta Main Road
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