Business Summary
Ferroglobe PLC is a producer of silicon metal and silicon-based alloys, variety of industrial and consumer products. The Company operates through four segments: United States of America, Canada, France, and Spain. It is involved in quartz mining activities in Spain, the United States, Canada; and South Africa, low-ash metallurgical coal mining activities in the United States, and interests in hydroelectric power in France. It sells its products to a diverse base of customers in a varied range of industries, such as aluminum, silicone compounds used in the chemical industry, ductile iron, automotive parts, renewable energy, photovoltaic (solar) cells, electronic semiconductors, and steel. Its solutions include silicon metal, manganese alloys, ferrosilicon, foundry products, calcium silicon, silica fume, electrodes, pulverized products, silicon for advanced technologies, and other. The Company's subsidiaries include Ferroglobe Finance Company PLC, and Ferroglobe Holding Company Ltd.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Mineral Resources
Company Address
13 Chesterfield Street
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