Business Summary is an online platform that connects creditworthy businesses with investors who lend money in exchange for a healthy return. The peer-to-business lending market is one section of the crowdfunding movement, sometimes referred to as crowdlending or p2p lending. The founder and Managing Director of rebuildingsociety is Daniel Rajkumar. He felt that investors could offer more than just finance to companies they lend to and believes businesses will favor this method of funding ahead of banks in the future. Businesses and investors value the advantages of peer-to-business lending, which stems from the belief that lenders have a vested interest in seeing their borrowers succeed. Were also a firm believer in the founding principles of building societies and have applied some of the values to our philosophy. Were committed to creating value for everyone that uses us. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
15 Queen Square, Leeds, United Kingdom-Na
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