Business Summary
DOB Equity is an investment company based in the Netherlands. It operates as an independent long-term investor active in East Africa. It targets companies able to contribute to a more social and sustainable society as well as deliver long-term profitability. Its investment policy comprises investments starting from 1 million dollars over a three year period, a possibility of follow-on investments, acquisition of stakes between 25% and 49%, and active board membership. DOB Equity also offers support for establishment of internal systems and corporate governance structures, as well as an access to a network of partners, suppliers, distributors and co-investors. The investment portfolio comprises: Joseph Initiative, delivering agricultural products; Globology, building and operating catamaran ferries; Prothem, a tea company; Tanga Fresh, a milk processing company; MYC$, a corporate lending platform; and Bridge International, operating primary schools in slums areas, among others.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Ijsseldijk 1
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