Business Summary
Fibrex LLC is a civil and electromechanical contracting company based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The company deals in categories such as residential, commercial, leisure, private, governmental and educational construction. Through it's main subsidiaries; it provides interior design and engineering consultancy services; construction of swimming pools; manufacture of ready mix concrete, precast composite panels, concrete products, glass fiber reinforced gypsum, cement and polyester, aluminum curtain walls, glass products, kitchens, wooden doors, wardrobes, bathroom pods, waterproof coatings, paints, adhesives and grouts; provides repair and maintenance services.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Products
Company Address
Fibrex LLC Building, Ground Floor, Street 16, Musaffah Industrial Area 5, PO Box 462
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