Business Summary
Distributes wireline telecom equipment including switching systems, network access platforms, signaling gateways, modems, bridges, routers, gateways, key sets, multiplex equipment, repeater and transceiver equipment carrier line, telephone carrier switching equipment, telephone carrier line equipment and toll switching equipment, corporate telecommunication equipment including in public branch exchange, computer telephony and messaging systems, telephones including desk phones, conference phones and internet protocol phones, wireless switching equipment including wireless local access network, wireless telecom equipment including wireless telephones, provides other telecommunication services including teleconferencing, video conferencing and web conferencing; data storage services; develops software solutions including desktop and mobile applications for video conferencing.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Technology Equipment
Company Address
Emirates Towers Building, 24th Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre 2 Area, P.O. Box 72055
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