Business Summary
Bapco Energies BSCC is a Bahrain-based entity which is primarily engaged as holding company. The Company comprises three segments which include Oil based assets and revenues, Gas based assets and revenues and Others. Oil based assets and revenues represents Tatweer, Bapco and Bapco Retail which are operating the Bahrain Oil field and Bahrain refinery and marketing of refined petroleum products. Gas based assets and revenues comprises of Banagas and Banagas expansion which are involved in processing and marketing of hydrocarbon liquids from associated and refinery off gas. Others comprises of remaining part of the Group. The Company is the investment and development arm of the National Oil & Gas Authority (NOGA). The Company's services include Portfolio Management & Growth, Provision of Professional Service and Development of Intellectual Capital.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
GBCORP Tower, 13th Floor Building No. 1411, Road No. 4626, Block 346 Bahrain Financial Harbour District, Sea Front, P.O. Box: 1426
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