Business Summary
Petronash FZE is an United Arab Emirates-based company. The Company is engaged in providing engineering solutions to oil and gas offshore & onshore applications. The Company's services include integrated package solutions, Engineering Services, Wellsite Turnkey Solutions, Asset Monitoring Contract, Product Training, Asset Lifecycle Management. The company's products include Modular Wellsite Packages, Chemical Injection Packages, Wellhead Control Panels, High Integrity Protection System (HIPS), Surge Relief Systems, MPSV Skids Packages, Lube Oil Skids, Fiscal and Custody Transfer Metering Skids, etc.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
P. O. Box: 18326, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Plot No: MO 0641 & 0642, Street No N202,
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