Business Summary
Belhasa International Co. (L.L.C.) is a holding company based in United Arab Emirates. Its segments include trading, real estate, hospitality, automotive, educational, construction, industrial, travel and tourism. The trading segment includes supply of voltage cables, power stations and transmisson line towers. The real estate segment includes property marketing, lease management, property maintenance and repair. The hospitality segment includes supply of food and beverages. The automotive segment includes supply of commercial and industrial vehicles. The educational segment includes providing driver license training for light and heavy vehicles. The construction segment includes civil construction of commercial, governmental, industrial and residential buildings. The travel and tourism segment includes holiday packages, cruise booking, safari and hunting trips.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Belhasa International Co. (L.L.C.) Building, Al Ittihad Street, Deira Area, PO Box 1286
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