Business Summary
Green Automotive Company operates as a holding company. The Company is involved in the import and distribution of an all-electric vehicle (EV), initially consisting of a single-family passenger vehicle and the building and sale of internal combustion engine driven shuttle busses and mass transit vehicles (ICE Vehicle). The Company also develops and builds of all-electric commercial vehicles-all-electric shuttle busses and delivery vans (Commercial EV). It has developed a prototype Commercial EV, the e-Patriot. It is also focused on building, sale, and leasing of various types of Commercial EV’s combined with providing EV charging solutions with renewable energy storage, and fleet with telematics and reporting. It also incorporated vehicle management, with telematics and real-time reporting into its proforma Commercial EV product line. The Company’s subsidiary is GAC Automotive Services Inc.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Automobiles & Auto Parts
Company Address
23 Corporate Place, Suite 150
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