Business Summary
Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy (GME) is Central Americas leading wind energy company. It operates wind farms in Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua and continues to develop, construct and operate wind energy projects across the region. Supported by its shareholders, Globeleq and Mesoamerica Power, GME has the skills to add value across the whole chain of development, acquisition and financing of power assets. In 2004, GME completed its first transaction with the successful acquisition of a 23MW operating wind farm in Costa Rica, Planta Eolica Tilaran (PESA). Since then, the company has closed on financing of four additional wind generation projects with a total capacity of 220 MW and a combined project cost of over $600 million. GME currently has several hundred MW at various stages of active development. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
Costa Rica
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Renewable Energy
Company Address
Centro Corporativo El Cedral, Torre 1, Nivel 1, Local 111
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