Business Summary
AMD Ventures LLC is a United States-based company. The Company invests in late stage companies, which are engaged in software, application, technologies and serve globally. Its portfolio companies are engaged in game industry veterans and engineers to build games, a software startup that provides learning inference solutions for acceleration on the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU) by using artificial intelligence (AI) framework, mobile gaming, three dimensional (3D) scanner and software application that allows users to easily scan and create 3 dimensional (D) models of environments, provides a video software that combines content and video, technology and market research firm specializing in 3-D point-of-purchase environments, mobile messaging app, delivers software solutions to the computer aided engineering market, a pioneer in the development of wireless chips for streaming virtual reality content from desktop computers to headsets.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
7250 Melrose Avenue, Suite 6
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