Business Summary
OneWeb Limited is a United Kingdom-based satellite communications company. The Company is a GEO-low Earth orbit (LEO) integrated satellite communications operator. The Company is engaged in implementing a constellation of low Earth orbit satellites with a network of global gateway stations and a range of User Terminals to provide a high-bandwidth and low-latency communications service. Its satellite communications network features more than 630 satellites along 12 synchronized orbital planes 1,200 km above, in LEO. Each satellite can connect to the antennas (User Terminals) and ground network below, transmitting data in real-time and at high speed as they fly. LEO antennas can view multiple moving satellites at any time and connect with accuracy. It serves carrier and enterprise companies, government, maritime, aviation, agriculture, construction, exploration and mining, and transportation, among others.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Telecommunications Services
Company Address
195 Wood Lane, West Works Building, 3rd Floor, OneWeb
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