Business Summary
Wadi Holding Company is an Egypt-based company engaged in the fishing and farming sector. The Company operates in two sectors, namely Mazareh and Sinaat. Mazareh, the agricultural business division of the Company, is engaged in hatcheries, feed manufacturing and trading, food processing and poultry, as well as fish farming through its business to business subsidiaries, Cos Katkoot al wadi and A'laf al wadi, and through its business to customer subsidiaries, Cos Wadi Food and Wadi Farms. Sinaat, the industrial division of the Company, is engaged in the manufacturing of glass containers, cooling cell pads, and projects under development, such as feed additives and ingredients, through Tabreed and other industrial projects like Idafat, Asmida, Tawseel, as well as Nile Storage and Stevedoring Company.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Beverages
Company Address
Wadi Group Building, 10 Managem and Mahager Street, Mohandiseen Area, P.O. Box 12411
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