Business Summary
Massar Solutions P.J.S.C. is a UAE-based company engaged in the provision of services to government, semi-government and private sector clients. The Company operates in three segments: the Fleet Solutions segment includes leasing, sale and leaseback, fleet maintenance, and tracking and telematics; the Car Rental segment holds the right to operate the Payless Car Rental brand in the United Arab Emirates, which offers daily, weekly and monthly passenger vehicle rental, vehicle-leasing packages ranging from 12 to 36 months, daily, weekly and monthly light commercial vehicle rental, and passenger transportation services, and the Supply Chain Solutions segment works with clients to create logistics services.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Massar Solutions P.J.S.C. Building, 12th Street, Mussaffah Industrial Area, PO Box 33500
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