Business Summary
Petro Ivoire SA is an Ivory-Coast based company specializing in the distribution of petroleum products and derivatives and operation of gas stations. It provides all users with a choice of fuels combining performance. It offers a range of lubricants dedicated to the maintenance and performance of engine. It provides the Libert card allowing client to make all purchases in Ptro Ivoire spaces. The Company offers Petro Ivoire application that allows client to find the nearest Ptro Ivoire service station and consult the services available. It allows client to monitor transactions and budget via the Ptro Ivoire Liberte Card. The Company products includes fuel, gas, lubricants, Petro Ivory app, Freedom card and In-station services.
Country of Incorporation
Ivory Coast
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Zone Industrielle de Vridi rue des Petroliers, Bp 737, Region des lagunes
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