Business Summary
Integrated Telecom Co (ITC) is a Saudi Arabia-based telecom provider company that is engaged in the offering of next-generation solutions for broadband, interconnection and satellite services for businesses, consumers and wholesale segments of the Saudi market. ITC's products and services include Business products, which offers national data & international connectivity, Internet & VAST (satellite services), and managed services to different industry sectors including, banking and finance, oil & gas, real estate, education and health care; Wholesale, which offers TC Global Ethernet services, Inherent security solutions, domestic bi-directional point-to-point transmission capacity for data, video services and voice services, and Residential, which provides Broadband Internet Service over WiMAX, Fibre and/or Microwave media access through DSLAM equipment to residential units.
Country of Incorporation
Saudi Arabia
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Telecommunications Services
Company Address
P.O.Box 8732
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