Business Summary
Al Khaliji France SA (Dubai Branch), formerly known as BLC Bank (France) S.A., is a United Arab Emirates-based financial institution engaged in the provision of different financial banking services and solutions. The Company offers its services through four lines: Corporate and Business Services, Investments, Credit Cards, and Other Services. Corporate and Business Services include working capital facilities, overdrafts, short term-loans, bill and invoice discounting letters of credit, letters of guarantee, stand-by letters of credit, discount, acceptance, mortgage and residential property, foreign exchange and treasury services; Investments include trading, brokerage and custody services, investments in French and international markets, investment opportunities in shares, bonds, third party funds, notes, and terms; Credit Cards include Carte Visa Premier (Gold) and Merchant Cards; Other Services include concierge services.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Al Maidan Tower, Al Maktoum Street,Deira, PO Box 4207
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