Business Summary
Marqeta, Inc. is engaged in providing modern card issuing platform empowers its customers to create customized and payment card programs. The Company provides a single, global, cloud-based, open application programming interface (API) platform for modern card issuing and transaction processing. It works with companies in a range of different configurations, such as Managed By Marqeta and Powered By Marqeta. With Managed By Marqeta, the Company provides an issuing bank partner to act as the bank identification number; sponsor for the customer’s card program; manages the customer’s card program on behalf of the issuing bank, and provides a full range of services, including configuring many of the critical resources required by a customer’s production environment. With Powered By Marqeta, it provides payment processing, and assists with certain configuration elements that enable the customer to use the platform independently.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Financial Technology (Fintech) & Infrastructure
Company Address
180 Grand Avenue, 6th Floor
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