Business Summary
Fulcrum Financial Data, LLC is a United States-based boutique research company. The Company is focused on bond and loan covenants. The Company analyzes the indentures, credit agreements and other contracts that determine creditor rights. The Company analyzes all reports written by New York licensed attorneys. The Company analyzes covenants across the capital structure. The Company performs research on exchange offers, leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and other actionable events. The Company has covered detailed covenant analysis on around 4,000 bonds and loans, and around 1,200 issues. The Company's customers use its services as risk management tools, sources of investment ideas, benchmarking tools to compare deal structures, and investment process and workflow management solutions. It also owns CapitalStructure, an independent provider of market news on and analysis of the European sub-investment grade universe. It is the authority on bond and loan covenants.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
25 W 45th St Fl 10
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