Business Summary
Alteryx Inc is a United States-based company that provides artificial intelligence (AI) platform for enterprise analytics. The Company's platform enables users to build, deploy, and manage business applications. It offers a range of products, including designer, desktop manage, cloud execution, analytics cloud, data science, business intelligence, finance, marketing, operations, information technology, security and risk management. It humanizes big data by enabling business analysts and data artisans to combine big data with market knowledge, location insight, and business intelligence; perform predictive and spatial analytics; and produce analytic applications that can be shared via the private cloud or the Alteryx analytics gallery public cloud. Its geographic business analytics platform is used by corporations in many industries, including automotive, commercial real estate, restaurants and entertainment, fast moving consumer goods, retail franchising, and telecommunications.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
17200 Laguna Canyon Road
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