Business Summary
Tradewind GmbH, formerly DS-Concept Factoring GmbH , is a private limited company headquartered in Moenchengladbach, Germany and is engaged in debt collecting. The company's business purpose is the purchase and sale of receivables of all kinds (factoring), the accounts receivable monitoring and the adoption of the accounts receivable risk to third parties. The Company may acquire interests in other companies operating in the same or similar nature - also known as the personally liable shareholder - as well as branches in Germany and abroad. The company was founded on 07/03/2000. Tradewind Holding GmbH is its immediate parent and Dr. Dieter Spickermann Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG is its ultimate parent.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Flughafenstrasse 83
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