Business Summary
Habtoor Hotels Llc, a part of Al Habtoor Group of Companies, is a United Arab Emirates-based company that is engaged mainly in the provision of hotel lodging and services. The Company owns various hotels, which include Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa, Dubai; Metropolitan Palace Hotel, Dubai; Metropolitan Hotel, Dubai; Metropolitan Hotel, Dubai; Metropolitan Palace Hotel, Beirut, and Habtoor Grand Hotel Convention Center & Spa, Beirut. Habtoor Hotels Llc provides also various other services, such as meeting facilities from 2000-square-metre Emirates Hall in Beirut to the small Executive rooms in Dubai, cocktail parties, outside barbeques, social gatherings, weddings, alfresco beach parties, themed dinners and Children's World.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
Al Habtoor Group Building, Al Wassil Road, Al Safa Area, P.O. Box 25444
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