Business Summary
Can B Corp. is a health and wellness company. The Company is engaged in developing, manufacturing, and selling products containing cannabinoids derived from hemp biomass and the licensing of durable medical devices. Its products include oils, creams, moisturizers, isolates, gel caps, spa products, and concentrates and lifestyle products. It develops its own line of proprietary products, as well as seeks synergistic value through acquisitions in the hemp industry. Its Duramed Division provides a sam Pro 2.0 medical device to patients through a doctor program whereby the physician evaluates the patients' needs for medical necessity, and if determined that the device use would be beneficial, writes a prescription for the patient, who signs a rental form, for a 35-day cycle for the unit, that is submitted to Duramed who bills the appropriate insurance company. The Company is also focuses on protecting and commercializing the cannabis patents covering liquid formulations of cannabis.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Drug Retailing
Company Address
960 S Broadway Ste 120
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