Business Summary
SCIT Labs next generation server security products are threat independent and mission resilient. We restore servers to pristine uncontaminated state in minutes, thus increasing system availability and maintaining your companys reliability and reputation. SCIT - Self Cleansing Intrusion Tolerance - provides a cost effective solution that leverages university research that is protected by 6 patents. Our current focus is on servers in the DMZ, and offer SCITized Web, Document Management, Ecommerce, and DNS servers based on Linux and Windows platforms. As compared to the conventional servers, these servers have the following advantages Servers are regularly restored to pristine state, leading to automatic malware removal and reduced recovery costs. Websites are restored automatically limiting defacements to minutes. Apply hot patches - server reboot is not required. Memory leaks are eliminated. Reduced security operations costs. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
13834 Springstone Drive
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