Business Summary
The UK India Business Council (UKIBC) is a business-led organization that promotes bilateral trade and investment between India and the United Kingdom. It offers U.K. businesses with the necessary insights, networks, policy advocacy, services, and facilities to set up operations in India. Its India guide and free how to resources are designed to help U.K companies enter and do business in the Indian market. The organization works with stakeholders to convey its business interests to Indias legislators through reports, white papers, and facilitated interactions between businesses, politicians, and policy makers. The UKIBC provides a range of company-specific market entry, research, consultancy, and expansion services to help its businesses understand the opportunities in India, shape their strategy, and make decisions about exporting, investing in, and growing in India. Through its solution Launchpad, the organization recruits, employs. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
3 Orchard Place
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