Business Summary
International Golden Group PJSC (IGG) is a United Arab Emirates-based company. The Company is primarily engaged in providing defense and security solutions. IGG's supplies include ammunition, main battle tanks, self-propelled mobile guns, multipurpose military vehicles, armored personnel carriers, night vision systems, scopes and surveillance cameras, control and command systems, unmanned systems and marine security barriers, anti-riot equipment, radar systems, shooting ranges and simulators, military communications systems, military uniforms and soldier gear, hunting weapons, tools, and uniforms and marine security barriers. The Company also provides consultancy services for military supplies and security solutions, maintenance and upgrade of military vehicles, military and security training, information technology services, air-traffic control and navigation services, protection and security services and systems integration and technical services.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial Goods
Company Address
Nation Towers, Floor 28, PO Box 43999
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