Business Summary
New Western Energy Corporation is an oil and gas and mineral exploration and production company. The Company's projects are located in Oklahoma, Kansas and Montana. The Company's principal business is the acquisition, exploration and development of, and production from oil, gas and mineral properties. The Company's Kansas Projects include B&W Ranch, Charles and Nancy Smith, Lloyd and Patricia Fields, Rinck Oil and Gas Lease and Fredonia Gas Project-Farwell, Puckett and Farwell/Eagle Leases. The Company's Fredonia Gas Prospect consists of three producing gas leases, which include the Farwell, Eagle and Puckett leases containing approximately 1,040 contiguous acres and nine producing gas wells located in the heart of the Cherokee Basin in Wilson County, Kansas. The three-lease property is located in the central portion of the Cherokee Basin Structural Province. The three-lease property covers approximately 1,040 acres located two miles east of the town of Fredonia, Kansas.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
1140 Spectrum
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