Business Summary
Vinculum Solutions Pvt Ltd is an India-based software company providing multi-channel fulfilment software products and domain services for e-Commerce, and brick and mortar retailers. The Company's software-as-a-service (SaaS) product suite provides services to its customers globally. Its products include Vin e-Retail, Vin MDM and Vin Stores. Vin e-Retail suite is a cloud based, multi-channel fulfilment suite that meets the requirements of e-Commerce retailers, retailers going online, brick and mortar retailers globally. Vin Stores is a suite of store solutions covering Work force Scheduling and Analytics, Queue Busting solutions (Mobile Check out), Stock take and receiving on handhelds, Price checker among others. It provides industry focused e consulting, product implementation services covering functional areas such as merchandising operations, stores operations, Warehousing and transportation solutions, merchandise planning, space and floor optimization, price optimization, and
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
First Floor, Tower 1, Candor TechSpace,, Plot No. 2, Block B, Sector 62,
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