Business Summary
BP, Shell and OGCI created the PetroSkills Alliance in 2001 to accomplish a mission of vital importance for the future of our industry. The Alliance would provide high quality, competency-based training that is critically important for all oil and gas companies, but not unique to any particular company allowing Alliance members to more strategically leverage their investments in training, competency development and competency assurance. The courses would be 100% business-relevant and available to all petroleum companies worldwide. Alliance members contribute technical know-how and oversee and approve all PetroSkills courses and curricula. Since its founding, the Alliance has grown quickly. Today it is comprised of over 30 companies who represent more than 40% of the worlds production capacity of oil and gas. Source: Crunchbase
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Academic & Educational Services
Company Address
2930 S. Yale Ave
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