Business Summary
Industrial Development Bank Sudan is a Sudan-based financial institution that is engaged in the provision of different banking services for individual and corporate clients. The Bank conducts different types of banking and commercial business in both local and foreign currencies, including saving accounts, current accounts, investing accounts, internal and external remittance, letters of credit, and letters of guarantees, funding and financing of projects, issuance, extracting, transferring, collecting, endorsing and executing of drafts and checks, as well as foreign currency dealing. Industrial Development Bank offers financing services to the industrial sector in local and foreign currency by various Islamic formulas such as Murabaha, Musharakat, Mudharaba and Istisnaa. Industrial Development Bank is owned by Ministry of Finance and National Economy of Sudan and The Central Bank of Sudan.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Al Imarat, Street No.: 21, Industrial Development Bank Building
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