Business Summary
Kfoury Engineering and Contracting SARL is a Lebanon-based company that is engaged mainly in the provision of engineering and construction services and consulting. The Company has executed a variety of projects such as residential buildings and houses, commercial centers, office buildings, hospitals, public water tanks, roads and bridges, wave breakers, factories and ware houses. Kfoury Engineering and Contracting SARL owns a fleet of both heavy and light construction equipments and materials, which include tower cranes, batching plants, concrete mixer trucks, excavators, bulldozers ,shovels compressors, port cabins, compactors, bobcats, fork lift, formworks, pickups, concrete vibrators, welding machines, binding and cutting machines, electrical generators and metal scaffolding. It had executed several projects in across Lebanon and the Middle East, such as ABC Dbayeh, Benta Medical Factory and SAYFCO-Jal El Dib.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
Garden Tower, 3rd, 5th and 6th Floor, Esso Street, Antelias Area
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