Business Summary
First Republic Bank (the Bank) is a commercial bank and trust company. The Bank specializes in providing services, including private banking, private business banking, real estate lending and wealth management services, including trust and custody services, to clients in selected metropolitan areas in the United States. It operates through two segments: Commercial Banking and Wealth Management. The principal business activities of the Commercial Banking segment are gathering deposits, originating and servicing loans and investing in investment securities. The principal business activities of the Wealth Management segment include the investment management activities of First Republic Investment Management, Inc. (FRIM), which manages investments for individuals and institutions; money market mutual fund activities through third-party providers and the brokerage activities of First Republic Securities Company, LLC (FRSC) and its foreign exchange activities conducted on behalf of clients.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
111 Pine St
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