Business Summary
National Investor PJSC is a United Arab Emirates-based investment and financial services company. The Its activities include private equity, real estate investment and provision of consultancy, economic feasibility consultancy and studies, commercial agencies and hospitality. It operates three segments as follows: Asset Management that manages investment portfolios and funds in regional equities and offers regional and foreign investors’ gateways for investment in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Arab stock markets. Merchant Banking that provides corporate finance advisory, private placements, public offerings of equity and debt securities, mergers and acquisitions. Principal Investments that manages and controls all cash related to the Group, and investments of the Group including investments in associates, joint ventures, investments at fair value through profit or loss and other comprehensive income and investment properties. The Company operates approximately13 subsidiaries.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
24th Floor, Sky Tower, Al Reem Island, P.O Box 47435
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