Business Summary
United Capital Bank PLC is a Sudan-based Islamic bank, which provides a number of banking products and services. Its services are offered through the following categories: Corporate, Retail and Electronic Banking. Its range of services include shares placement, establishment and management of specialized investment funds, corporate and individual current account, investor services, general financing operations, Islamic investment deposit, Islamic call investment deposits, cheque collection, trade finance, local money transfer, automated salary transfer and standing order, individuals savings accounts, safety deposit boxes, microfinance, as well as Automated Teller Machines (ATM) services, e-purse services and Short Message Service (SMS). Its financing operations serve a number of sectors, mainly industrial and agricultural production, infrastructure, education, health and social services in addition to financing exports and imports.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Plot 411, Square 65, Mamoun Beheiry St, P.O Box : 8210, Al Amarat, South the Green Square
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