Business Summary
Kalyani Group is an India-based engineering & manufacturing company. The Company provides service to a range of sectors, including engineering steel, automotive, industrial, renewable energy, urban infrastructure, defense and specialty chemicals. Engineering steel include Kalyani Steels, Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels and Kalyani Gerdau. Automotive include Bharat Forge, Automotive Axels, Kalynai Hayez Lemmerz and Kalyani Thermal. Industrial include Bharat Forge. Renewable energy includes Kenersys. Specialty chemicals include Hikal. Defense includes Kalyani Strategic Systems Limited. Through Kalyani Steels, the Company manufactures various components for commercial vehicles, two-wheelers, diesel engines, bearing, tractors, turbines and rail. The Company provides services across India, Germany, Sweden and France.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Industrial & Commercial Services
Company Address
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